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Atlanta Students Tour Weyerhaeuser in Grayling

December 9 – Fifteen Atlanta High School students toured Weyerhaeuser in Grayling. The tour kicked off with a pizza party lunch and then the group was split into 2 smaller groups, with one beginning their tour outside and the other beginning by watching a video presentation on the plant. The video showed things students wouldn’t be able to view very well during the tour. Midway through the tour, the groups switched places. Students were able to see things like the wood dryers (which can get up to 900 degrees), debarking machines, the control center booth, as well as other steps in the process of making OSB. Students were impressed with how much can be done with only a few workers, as well as the whole assembly-line process. The tour guide talked about the benefits Weyerhaeuser employees receive, the variety of jobs available not only on the production floor and in the wood yard, but also in accounting, HR, and more. They also covered the education requirements for various positions (some requiring no degree or specialized training). Employees who were helping with the tour shared how they got started at Weyerhaeuser and how they’ve advanced in the company.


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