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Bright Future for Teen, Thanks to Michigan Works! and IRESA Alternative Education Teamwork

Summer registered with Michigan Works! WIOA in-School Youth Services while also enrolled with IRESA Alternative Education. She was seeking financial support to complete her GED. She began working one-on-one with Michigan Works! Youth Career Advisor, Allison Oakes. Through the WIOA Youth program, Allison was able to provide Summer mileage to ensure her attendance, as well as the purchase of GED Ready tests as Summer prepared for her GED testing. Thanks to the financial assistance she received from Michigan Works! and guidance from her IRESA Alternative Education teacher Lauren Ososki, Summer completed her GED credential July 18, 2022.

Working with Allison, Summer also enrolled in the Michigan Works! Youth Services summer program, “Career Readiness and Exploration (CRE)”. This program provided Summer with employability skills and a professional portfolio to support her as she enters the work world. Summer enjoyed the mock interviews during CRE, which would better prepare her to complete future job interviews. The employer conducting Summer's mock interview was impressed by her ability to thoughtfully answer questions and remain poised during the interview.

Following the CRE's classroom sessions, Summer was placed in a Work Experience with the Elk Country Animal Shelter and the WIOA Youth Program provided the work clothes Summer needed for this experience. Summer greatly enjoyed being at the shelter, learning basic kennel care, facility maintenance, and observing the shelter's veterinarian conduct spay and neuter clinics. Summer performed her duties so well during her Work Experience, the Elk Country Animal Shelter offered her employment after the completion of her program and have encouraged her to consider a career in veterinary sciences.

Through her experiences since being enrolled in Michigan Works! Youth Services and working with her IRESA Alternative Education teacher, Summer states that she feels much more prepared for the adult world now. Thanks to the assistance she received, she has gained employability skills, completed her GED, and even landed a job. In addition, she has applied the knowledge gained during the Career Readiness and Exploration program to explore opportunities for her own online business.


©2022 Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium is an equal opportunity employer/program. A proud partner of the American Job Center Network.
Auxiliary aids & services available upon request. Supported by the State of Michigan. Funded with federal funds. TTY#711
- Administrative Office: 20709 State St., PO Box 711, Onaway, MI 49765  |  989-733-8548  |  File a Complaint - 

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