Dylan was referred to Michigan Works! through the PATH Program after recently relocating to Northern Michigan with his significant other and newborn son. Dylan was actively seeking employment and his Michigan Works! Career Advisor Abby advised that obtaining a High School Diploma or Equivalency would be the best step to enhance his employability.
Dylan was referred by Abby to the Adult Ed Partner, Houghton Lake Community Education, to meet with Crystal, the GED Instructor. Dylan was nervous about getting his GED, as he thought he had more than just a few classes to complete. After meeting with Crystal, he learned he only had five classes needed for completion. In under three months he successfully completed those classes and earned himself a High School Diploma!
Over the course of those three months, Dylan and his Michigan Works! Career Advisor had several discussions about potential career paths and together they drew out the steps needed to achieve his career goals. He also spent time completing job readiness activities including Resume 101, Interview Etiquette, Time Management and Organizational Skills, and more. These activities would prepare Dylan to present himself as a capable, reliable, and professional candidate in the competitive job market.
Thanks to the support and assistance he received, Dylan not only received his High School Diploma, but is also currently enrolled in the HVAC Certificate Program at Kirtland Community College. He is on track to graduate Spring 2025. Additional support provided by Michigan Works! included mileage reimbursement, auto repair assistance, and transitional support service payments.
Dylan's motivation is inspired by his newborn son and his desire to provide a better future for his family, using his role as a parent as a driving force to succeed in school and beyond. Thankful for the support and guidance he received, Dylan shares, "I am all done with High School! I’m officially a graduate! Thank you so much for putting me on that path!"