AuSable Valley Animal Shelter is a 501c3, non-profit, privately funded organization providing second chances for homeless pets. Funding is tight, so affording additional certifications for staff, no matter how beneficial, was a challenge. Working with Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium they applied for a Going PRO Talent Fund grant in order to get Advanced Expert Animal Cruelty Investigator and Professional Animal Cruelty Enforcement Training for their Executive Director, Katelyn Gibbons.
AuSable Valley Animal Shelter was awarded $1,407.50, allowing Katelyn to receive the trainings and certification from the University of Missouri Extension Program.
“This training was absolutely necessary for our shelter so we could proactively educate the community and help them move forward,” shares Katelyn. “Obtaining this training and certification enables me to provide more education to our community about proper animal care, and preventative measures we can take to help end animal homelessness. In addition, this training has helped me recognize the signs of animal cruelty and neglect, and has also helped me formulate a plan to educate the community on proper pet/animal care.”
The training will allow the shelter to provide more community education on how to properly care for their pets, which in turn ideally will eventually reduce the need for law enforcement intervention with animal crimes, hopefully reducing animal cruelty cases that come about due to caretaker ignorance.
Not only has the training had a tremendous effect on the job skills of the shelter’s Director, but she also received a pay increase of nearly 10% after receiving the certifications.