10/5/21 – Cooper Standard, Gaylord - Johannesburg Schools (7 students)
Seven Johannesburg students attended a talent tour at Cooper Standard in Gaylord in honor of Manufacturing Day. The tour started with a welcoming slideshow presentation about Cooper Standard as a whole and then went into Gaylord Cooper Standard. Sample products were passed around for students to feel and see at the presentation with the Plant Manager Brian.
Students then put on safety PPE and hit the floor dividing into 2 groups. During the tour, students were able to see many different style auto products that Cooper Standard makes from rubber, plastic and metal. Students were able to see production, maintenance, welding, CNC, receiving and shipping and talk with mechanical engineers. Human Resources also did a little plug about her job, as well as some other salary positions.
Career advancement, including the ability to come in and work your way up, was discussed. Also that Cooper Standard can help with covering college costs. It was mentioned that production doesn't need any formal education, but for positions such as mechanical engineer, a college degree is usually required. They also talked about the future of apprenticeships with their location and going that route.
After the tour, information on Career Outlook and Pathfinder was distributed and Michigan Works staff discussed the Career PathFinder tool, Michigan Works services, and available Youth services. Then students were able to see information with the new electrical cars that are coming out in the coming years with Cooper Standard production's help, as well as watch a quick video on the new Lucid Cars. Wrapping up the tour was a pizza party.
Student feedback was very positive, with students reporting they were very surprised at how extensive the process is for everything to go through. All students wished to have more hands-on interaction though.