Ben came to the Michigan Works! office in Gaylord to apply for jobs. After twenty-five years on the floor as a mechanic, Ben decided to try something different. He worked with people with disabilities for a few months and absolutely loved it, but unfortunately, it was not a long term position. He wanted to return to that industry.
Michigan Works! Career Navigator, Chelsea, helped Ben reset his password and access his MiLogin account, as he was finding the MiLogin system difficult to navigate on his own. Once Ben gained access to his Pure Michigan Talent Connect account, Chelsea helped him build his resume to post on the site. She also referred him to several employers in Otsego County and assisted him with the application process.
The very next day, Ben came in and received a call from a potential employer who offered him an interview. Three days later, Ben stopped by to tell Chelsea the good news – he got the job! And it all happened within 5 days of Ben originally coming to Michigan Works!
Ben is very excited about his new job!