April 26—Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium’s Youth Career Advisors Jeanie Flory and Seth Gruenburg took three in-school youth from Mackinaw City High School to Lansing for the 14th Annual Jobs For Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) Career Development Conference held at the Lansing Conference Center.
The event started with a Kick Off Event featuring JMG speakers sharing about JMG and how it has assisted many youth throughout Michigan. After the Kick Off, the three youth participants were able to participate in a Critical Thinking Event and compete against other teams from throughout the state. Although they did not place in the event, they enjoyed the activity and came away with more knowledge. At the Awards Ceremony, all three youth attending with Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium were awarded “Excellence In Youth Leadership” Certificates and one was awarded “Exemplary Youth of the Year”. The event concluded with the Keynote Speaker, Andre Ebron, sharing his trials and tribulations while growing up. All three youth participants stated that they look forward to more events like this, and that it was very engaging. They also enjoyed meeting other JMG youth from around Michigan.
The Career Development Conference (CDC) is Youth Solutions’ annual event where youth have the opportunity to showcase the skills they have learned throughout the year in the Jobs for Michigan’s Graduates (JMG) program. This event highlights workplace skills and knowledge, such as creative problem solving, interview skills, and career preparation. Career-based competitions provide students real-world practice for future employment opportunities while volunteer judges evaluate and offer feedback to our future leaders. Moreover, inspirational speeches and student recognition allow our young people to envision and aspire towards their future careers.