Calvin Downing that we helped get a CDL-A for Truck Driving for a new career. He's very grateful for our help as we paid for all of his training!
Calvin had just moved back to northern Michigan from California and was struggling to find a job offering health insurance and other benefits. He heard about Michigan Works! training assistance and came in to see if he would qualify. Working with Career Navigator Rachel, Calvin was able to get his CDL-A training at Road Warriors Truck Driving School in Gaylord completely paid for. As a result, he got a good job locally with Pepsi. Through the process, Calvin learned that if he just believed in himself, he could accomplish anything he set his mind to.
“I'm really grateful to Michigan Works!” shares Calvin. “Truck Driving School was a challenge, with getting all my paperwork done, but it was worth it in the end. I am so happy to be in the new job I got as a result of getting my CDL-A. And getting a good job where I live means a better life!”