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Michigan Works! Secures Over $220,000 in Training Grants

Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium has secured over $220,000 in competitive grants from the State of Michigan’s Going PRO Talent Fund to help 11 local employers enhance their workforce. The grants awarded provide funds to employers for training, developing, and in some cases retaining employees.

“Having a skilled workforce means having strong businesses and a thriving economy,” said Marisue Moreau, Director at Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium. “The Going PRO funds awarded to our Northeast Michigan employers are critical for ensuring we have a skilled workforce and that our employers remain competitive. These funds will allow our employers to train new workers, incumbent workers, and apprentices without the financial stress that often comes with training.”

There are many training programs eligible for funding, including classroom training, which prepares individuals with the skill set required to meet the employer’s needs and diversify the skill sets of current employees. In addition, employers can also receive onsite job training reimbursement for wages paid while training a new or existing employee on a new process. Apprenticeships are also supported through Going PRO funds.

Awardees of the recent cycle of Going PRO funds are AJD Forest Products of Grayling, CSI Emergency Apparatus of Grayling, AuSable Valley Animal Shelter of Grayling, H.B. Carbide of Lewiston, Link Industries of Indian River, Metalfab Manufacturing of Mio, Ossineke Industries in Ossineke, Springs Window Fashions in Grayling, H&H Tube in Vanderbilt, Thunder Bay Community Health Services in Hillman, and Tube Fab/Roman Engineering in Afton.

In the previous two funding cycles of 2023, the team at Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium has helped secure a total of $311,613 in competitive grants from the State of Michigan’s Going PRO Talent Fund to help 15 local employers enhance their workforce.

Michigan Works! has additional resources to help existing companies develop trainings, support growth and hiring needs, and retain employees. The next cycle of Going PRO Talent Fund grant applications is slated to be released by the state in the spring. Employers are encouraged to reach out to Northeast Consortium's Business Solutions Manager, Ashley Udell at for more information on how to start the application process. For more information about Going PRO, visit www. Michigan.Gov/TalentFund.



©2022 Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium is an equal opportunity employer/program. A proud partner of the American Job Center Network.
Auxiliary aids & services available upon request. Supported by the State of Michigan. Funded with federal funds. TTY#711
- Administrative Office: 20709 State St., PO Box 711, Onaway, MI 49765  |  989-733-8548  |  File a Complaint - 

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