Jaycee came to Michigan Works! in Grayling in need of tuition assistance. She was in the nursing program, but struggling to keep up with the tuition payments.
Jaycee began working with Michigan Works! Career Advisor Jackie Gransden to learn more about the available Michigan Works! programs. Jaycee asked a lot of questions to make sure she understood the tuition assistance program and throughout her enrollment she was always quick to respond with any required documentation (such as tuition bills, class schedules, employment information).
Through the Michigan Works! WIOA program, Jaycee was able to receive tuition assistance and mileage reimbursement. Michigan Works! also helped to pay for her NCLX exam and testing fees. Thanks to the assistance provided, Jaycee says she was less stressed and was more able to focus on her education, graduating on time with an AAS-Nursing ADN.
In addition, prior to even completing her training, Jaycee gained employment with Covenant Healthcare making $30/hr. She reports that she’s extremely happy with her new employment and life in general.
Jaycee says she learned that asking for help is ok and she has been recommending the Michigan Works! program to other students every chance she gets.