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Michigan Works! Utilizes BRES Program to Dress Newly Employed CNA for Success

William had to switch career fields due to medical reasons and financial circumstances, but he was having difficulty purchasing the required uniforms for his new job. He came to Michigan Works! hoping they could help.

Thanks to the Barrier Removal Employment Success (BRES) program, Career Navigator Rachel was able to help William get the required scrubs he needed to start his new job as a CNA.

Thankful for the assistance he received, William writes, “MWA helped me get the clothing needed for my new job that I would otherwise not have been able to afford. This will help me look the part in a career I've never previously been in. My financial challenges limited my ability to buy necessary items for my new job as a CNA. I learned that reaching out to look for help, though embarrassing, can pay off. There are programs that can help make succeeding in a career change easier and less stressful.”


©2022 Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium is an equal opportunity employer/program. A proud partner of the American Job Center Network.
Auxiliary aids & services available upon request. Supported by the State of Michigan. Funded with federal funds. TTY#711
- Administrative Office: 20709 State St., PO Box 711, Onaway, MI 49765  |  989-733-8548  |  File a Complaint - 

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