Natasha was referred to Michigan Works! by DHHS to participate in the PATH program. With the guidance and assistance she received from Michigan Works, she was able to obtain a job as a Stylist at Maurices. Natasha had concerns that her vehicle wouldn’t be reliable enough transportation to go back and forth to work, and because she had just started her job, she didn’t have any additional funds for car repairs. With the assistance of her Career Advisor Amanda Pauly at Michigan Works!, her DHHS caseworker and the Otsego County Grant, she was able to get her vehicle fixed properly, providing her reliable and safe transportation to/from her new position. In addition, Michigan Works! was able to assist with clothing & mileage reimbursement to help her get started at her new job.
Thanks to the support and assistance from Michigan Works!, DHHS, and the Otsego Community Grant, Natasha’s vehicle is in excellent working condition, allowing her to maintain her position with her new employer. Natasha is enjoying using her strengths in customer service.
Through this experience Natasha says she learned that there are many programs out there to assist you, you just need to take the first step. She reports, “I got my Jeep back and it runs like a dream! I am so grateful!”