Autumn moved back to Michigan with her two very young children. She was in a tough situation and thought it best to start over back home. Autumn wanted to take the Fast Track Certified Nurses Assistant Course at North Central Michigan College, to make a better life for herself and her children. NCMC told Autumn about the tuition assistance available through Michigan Works!, so she worked with Michigan Works! Career Navigator Jenny to apply for the Michigan Learning and Education Advancement Program. Thanks to this program, MW! was able to cover the full amount of Autumn’s course.
Career Navigator Jenny says it was her joy to help this young lady and her family, stating, “This is what makes our mission at Michigan Works! so great! My only hope is that I can help more people such as Autumn! I believe Autumn’s achievements and accomplishments, no matter how long they may take her, are a real testimony of the human will, heart and strength each one of us is capable of, if we put our minds and backs to the job at hand. She is a shining example that out of any situation you can truly better yourself.”
With her parent’s help, Michigan Works! support, and her dream in tow, Autumn is on her way to accomplishing great things. She has overcome many obstacles that life has thrown at her so far, and she’s a survivor, mother, provider, and now a caregiver to others.
Thanks to this training, and the tuition assistance she received to be able to take the training, Autumn will continue to further her life and the life of her children.