Matthew came to Michigan Works! in Cheboygan because he was struggling with his seasonal unemployment claim. He had not received benefits since he was laid off in the fall.
Michigan Works! Career Navigator Kelli was able to help Matthew get his claim straightened out and he started receiving benefits shortly after he went back to work at his seasonal job as a cook in Mackinaw City.
In addition, Kelli was able to help Matthew get the work required shoes he needed thanks to BRES funding (Barrier Removal, Employment Success).
Matthew is very thankful for the help he received and said he now knows to come in to Michigan Works! sooner if he’s having issues with his seasonal unemployment.
He reports, “Mrs. Kelli was able to help me get my unemployment claims for back weeks that I was entitled to. She was such a great help. She also helped me get needed equipment for work, in this case it was shoes. Mrs. Kelli was a good person to work with. I would recommend her to anyone having trouble.”