As a requirement for Unemployment, Brent came to the Alpena Michigan Works! office to attend his scheduled RESEA appointment. During his initial conversation with Career Navigator Rebecca, he inquired about additional IT training, which was the field he had been recently laid off from.
Rebecca provided him with information on the MiLEAP program, which offered tuition assistance for a week-long IT certification course at Alpena Community College. Brent was very interested.
As luck would have it, the MiLEAP Navigator, Mary Trudgen, happened to visit the Alpena office while Brent was still talking with Rebecca. Mary provided Brent with additional information on the program and within an hour of his departure, he had already emailed Mary the required documents to begin his enrollment in the program!
Had it not been for the required RESEA workshop, Brent may not have learned about the MiLEAP program. A perfect successful story of how visiting your local Michigan Works! can help you get the training you need to further your career goals!