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Working WITH Michigan Works! Leads to Working FOR Michigan Works! for Local Jobseeker

Joan had been laid off from her previous employer, as an early childhood development teacher. She had been looking for work, applied at numerous employers, was interview by three different employers, but was having a hard time landing a job. In most cases, she was over qualified, or didn’t fit the employers’ specific needs. She worried she was being passed over due to her age as well, but she didn’t let that discourage her. She began working with Michigan Works! hoping they may be able to help.

The Career Navigators, Jenny and Kristina, at Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium offered resume guidance and job search assistance, and would always alert her when a new position that may fit her qualifications became available. When a position as a Career Navigator at Michigan Works! opened up, Jenny was sure to let Joan know. Joan applied and was offered the position at the Alpena Michigan Works! office!

Joan is very happy with her new position at Michigan Works! and her helpful, empathetic, and professional demeanor is a great fit for our offices. Not only did Joan benefit from working with Michigan Works! for her job search, but Michigan Works! Northeast Consortium benefitted as well!


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